...being there, but without the crowds

...being there, but without the crowds

Lupa: The Epic Party of Palio 2016

Oct 2016

This year Lupa had the monopoly of all parties as she won both July and August Palii. Every year the winning contrada transforms its streets into an artistic installation, with the main purpose to party all night long, remembering the victory days of summer.

Lupa's theme party was the Epic Journey, of classical imprint. We had Hercules and his fellows sailing in the sea of perils, where we could see them fighting to reach the glorious price of victory. Great light show, installations in via de Vallerozzi and all contradaioli in Greek/classical costumes.

The godess of fortune helped the Lupa to win the Palio, but not to clear the sky during the party: we had heavy rain during the main celebration day. Also during the contrada dinner, in Siena people had to eat with the open umbrella. Luckily Lupa could enjoy the party the night before, in a very joyful atmosphere.

Who will be the winner for next Palio? Palio race tickets area already available for next year, and we can't wait for next summer!

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Torre and Selva get the Palio 2015

The Palio, agust 2015

Torre and Selva are proud to get the Palio for 2015 season

Dec 2015

The Palio movie, a perfect introduction!

The Palio documentary movie introduces you to the complexity of the race... Which is not really (only) a horse race!

Aug 2016

Palio 2016, Lupa triumphs!

Both Palii are brought in the Cathedral

After waiting for long  27 years, Lupa triumphs in 2016 with both Palii, what a great celebration for Lupa!