...being there, but without the crowds

...being there, but without the crowds

The Palio winners of 2018

Dec 2018


A brief summery of all winners of the past year 2018. We had great races with intense emotions.

July 2018: after a never-ending mossa, Andrea Mari aka Brio with horse Rocco Nice broght the Drago to victory, running on first position from beginning to the end. The runners were: Chiocciola, Nicchio, Oca, Drago, Lupa, Istrice, Valdimontone, Tartuca, Leocorno, Giraffa.

August 2018: Giuseppe Zedde aka Gingillo with powerful horse Porto Alabe gave with surprise to the Lupa another Palio. The opponents were: Drago, Giraffa, Civetta, Pantera, Tartuca, Nicchio, Valdimontone, Bruco, Leocorno.

October 2018: the horse Remorex with no jokey (scosso) made the Tartuca winner of the extra Palio. The other contrade were: Chiocciola, Giraffa, Selva, Lupa, Torre, Civetta, Drago, Nicchio, Oca

Photo by Janus Kinase, licence CC

Aug 2015

Torre and Selva get the Palio 2015

The Palio, agust 2015

Torre and Selva are proud to get the Palio for 2015 season

Dec 2015

The Palio movie, a perfect introduction!

The Palio documentary movie introduces you to the complexity of the race... Which is not really (only) a horse race!

Aug 2016

Palio 2016, Lupa triumphs!

Both Palii are brought in the Cathedral

After waiting for long  27 years, Lupa triumphs in 2016 with both Palii, what a great celebration for Lupa!